Shortlisted for the RDS Visual Art Awards 2020
This interactive film sculpture was a performative examination of the history of the four humors’ ; a pseudo-scientific theory regarding personality disorders originating in Greece during the Middle Ages.
Four performances shot over four scenes were structurally inspired by experimental filmmaker Hollis Framtons’s’ film Zorn’s Lemma.
Each of the four performances were an embodiment of the four temperaments ; Sanguine, Phlegmatic, Choleric and Melancholia. Following how these theories paved the way for modern neuroscience and the understanding of neurological disorders today.
A visual and auditory montage using affect, symbolism, performance and sound to express the moment between sanity and insanity.
Field samples are of original brain wave recordings collected in collaboration with Dr. Alexander Khalil using Electroencephalogram data and a layering narrative.
The work was viewed in a fabricated sculpture where members of the public were invited to lay down to see the video overhead.
The installation was experienced at; Intertidal, TUDublin, B.A.V.A Sherkin, Graduate Exhibition, 2020 and Uillinn, West Cork Art Centre, 2020.
Artist : Vicki Davis
Sculpture Fabrication: Versa CNC
Installation photographers:
Sherkin Island : Robbie Murphy
Uillinn, West Cork Art Centre: Tomasz Madajczak
Sanguine ; Colour: Red ; Properties : Wet Warm ; temperament : manic frenzy - was shot on location at the derelict St.Kevins Asylum, Cork city.
The old abandoned psychiatric ward was built in 1895 and sits quite prominently dominant overlooking the river Lee.
Hysteria was a common medical diagnoses for women throughout the middle ages. Referring to mood swings brought on by their menstrual cycle, or, moons blood.
Choleric ; Colour : Yellow
Properties; Warm Dry, Temperament; Irritable, organised
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